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Unreal Assets
Jump start your project with Custom UE Assets like Photo-Scanned Props and Environment Elements.

Lava Rock Wasteland
A Collection of Photoscanned Lava Rocks that were gathered from the Bandera Volcano located in Grants, NM. Smaller Rocks scanned in studio and larger pieces scanned on location.

Rock Pillars
A Collection of Photoscanned Rock Pillars that were hand stacked as landmarks along hiking trails in New Mexico. Also includes a matching Ground and Boulder asset.

Brown Rocks
A Collection of Individually Scanned Brown Rocks using photogrammetry in a controlled lighting environment for high resolution textures and real life reproduction.

Path Tracing Glass Shader
A glass shader built from the ground up with path tracing in mind. Path Tracing provides some of the most accurate lighting, reflections, refractions and translucency quality available in Unreal engine.

Smooth Stones
A Collection of Individually Scanned Smooth Stones using photogrammetry in a controlled lighting environment for high resolution textures and real life reproduction.

Sea Shells
A Collection of Individually Scanned Sea Shells using photogrammetry in a controlled lighting environment for high resolution textures and real life reproduction.
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